Friday, August 5, 2005

Peridot: Gift from the Volcano

The commonly accepted birthstone for the month of August is the green gemstone called peridot.
The Egyptians had peridot mines in ancient times on Zeberget. Believing that peridots could only be seen easily at night, the Egyptians worked the mines from the evening on fighting the many snakes inhabiting the area. The Romans used peridot referring to it as an "evening emerald" since its light colour continued to show up at night and believed also that peridot possessed many powers including the ability to heal stomach ailments and fortify the nerves.
In the Middle ages, peridots were often used to adorn chalices and reliquaries in the Catholic church since its light, bright green colour symbolizes rebirth and renewal.
Peridot crystals can be found on beaches in Hawaii, (peridot is thought to be the tears of the goddess Pele) since it is a gemstone with volcanic origins. However, most peridot is mined in Burma, Pakistan, China, Sri Lanka, and on an Indian Reservation in Arizona.
  • Astrological Signs of Peridot: Sagittarius, Scorpio, Leo, Virgo
  • Emotional and Mental Properties: Helps with wealth, gives protection, helps with childbirth; increases eyesight; enhances meditation, relaxation, spirituality, friendship, pleasure; increases wisdom, love, fertility, healing.
  • Description: crystalline gemstone from olivine mineral ranging from a pale to a deep clear green

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