Today I had my lvl 2 reiki attunement. Well, a re-attunement really, as my first lvl 2 attunement was back in November. It was sort of a 'rushed' session with another reiki master, not mine. Having just missed the class with my reiki master as I was abroad for work at that time, and as I really wanted to send healing energy to my mom, who was not very well, I had my attunement then. However, when I got an email a week ago from my reiki master that she is offering level 2, I jumped at the opportunity to be re-attuned, as the atmosphere in the class is great, and she is teaching us a lot of things related to reiki and energy.
They say reiki can change your life, well it definitely changed mine! Two weeks after my attunement early November I quit my job where I was employed for the last 10 years, then found another job, quit that as well within a month, and early January this year I found a third job, where I am currently employed.
I haven't thought of it like this until now, to connect all these coincidental changes with my reiki attunement, but today as we were talking in the session with the other students, I realised that it definitely shifted the energies around me. I let go of what was old and not needed anymore in my life and started searching for something new, that is closer to my purpose. Well, I'm not sure if I found THAT, but I definitely found a job that is merely 3 minutes away from home, which is an improvement over the old, I'd say, lol!
Now let's see what turmoil this re-attument will bring during the next 21 days of cleansing.
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