Friday, October 17, 2008


Luster of Life

I suppose my title may confuse you but as someone who can't help but watch the news I know the world and his horse are all waiting to hear some good news about the credit crunch ~ my fellow jewellery lovers will know that treating yourself in times of trouble is a great pick~you~up and treating friends and family especially now we are approaching Christmas!! So I'm coming up with a basic range ~ something that will still have the 'gem heaven' sparkle of course!

Ghost Tree

My lovely friend Brandi tagged me this week, anyone who has been reading my blog since the start will know I have been tagged a few times before ~ but you never know you may read something new about me today ~ well I will try!!

1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by including links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.

1) I love nail polish ~ mainly pinks and reds and have bottles of the stuff but I also bite my nails so colours are confined to my toes!! You will be pleased to hear I am trying and have one hand which is not quite as embarassing as the other

2) I'm in love with sock monkey ~ I found a site on Etsy with some stunners on and keep trying to tell Elli she wants one for Christmas!! I WILL have one lol!!

3) I am growing my hair ~ I get bored so easily and decided on a change ~ *disclaimer I may change my mind again at anytime

4) I've seen Mama Mia twice and actually would have gone more if I could have!!

5) I am tone deaf ~ can't sing a note yet I do a mean Babara Steisand in my shower!! WEll I think so (I was brought up on Barbara and especially love the Guilty album)

6) I can't leave the house without eyeliner and lipstick on!

7) I have an important medical appointment I keep putting off and need nagging about .....

Brandi tagged a few of my mates so here's my list

1) Izzy of Adventures in Glass
2)Bettejo's A bead a Day
3) Nina ~ Beads in the Belfry
4) Caroline ~ Crafted Gems
5) Sharon ~ Manamoon Studios
6) Becky ~ Chameleon Designs
7) Kelly ~ Kebo Jewellery

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