Sunday, January 20, 2008


Sometimes I wonder where the days go - I spend half my week looking forward to the weekend - and then then the weekend mysteriously disappears into Sunday evening and the cycle starts again!! Personally I think weekends should be 3 days long - now this isn't anything to do with having days off - you'll find me creating whatever the day of the week it is - but to do with my dh and dd (Husband and daughter) you see they just start to settle and relax and BAM it's over!

Ever since Elli started school her outlook on leaving the house has changed - before school she wanted "out out" always wanted to know what trip or friends we were going to see, what park or even shopping was an adventure. Now at the tender age of 6 (going on 16) she hates leaving the house at weekends - preferring to "relax Mummy" Now is this because she loves playing on the computor or drawing her pictures of princesses, unicorns and horses or is it because the school system means she HAS to leave the house every morning and when she does come home, so many hours later she has homework and after school activities - maybe like me she likes the fact on a weekend there are no rules, no alarms and no rushing.

Hopefully this year the summer will actually arrive and stay for more than a week! Then the joy of a weekend in the garden, riding bikes and having picnics will change her idea of relaxing all over again. *sigh hurry up spring......
© Gemheaven 2008

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